Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blog Post # 4


Podcasting The Future

This generation has been exposed to more than our grandfather's generation could have ever imagined. The generations to follow will only develop a even more reliance on technology. It is so important for teachers to not only educate themselves in technology but incorporate into their classrooms. On Langwitches Blog she talks about podcasting with her first graders. One point that she makes is that the children enjoyed recording and listening to their own voices. The children even attempted to get their "voice" just right. I think if you give children a task or responsibility to create something they will respond well to it. Podcasting is not only fun for students to do and a way for them to interact, but there are several other benefits like Joe Dale points out in "Integrating ICT into the MLF classroom". This generation is used to having access to computers, it makes most sense to integrate education into their access. Some of the benefits that Dale points out is that if a child is house stricken because of sickness, they can access the podcast of their class easy. Another point he makes is if a child has an issue comprehending something from the lesson, the podcast could be listened to repeatedly to help the student and or a parent could listen to it also. The parent could help the child and or follow along with what they are doing in class. "100 ways to use your Ipod to learn and better study" gives different ways it can be used along with podcasts to help you learn better. Podcasts overall are a wonderful invention. Podcasts can be helpful for all ages, and for all kinds of subjects.

1 comment:

  1. "This generation has been exposed to more than our grandfather's generation could have ever imagined." What does this mean. Exposed to what? Radiation? Skin? New ideas? World views?

    In sentence two you write "The generations to follow will only develop a even more reliance on technology." Now maybe we may think sentence one referred to technology.

    Several sentences later you write:

    "This generation is used to having access to computers, it makes most sense to integrate education into their access. Some of the benefits that Dale points out is that if a child is house stricken because of sickness,..."

    What do you mean by "integrate education into their access"? Next sentence: Some requires a plural verb. One works better in the next sentence. But "house stricken"?

    Read white you write. Be sure you are saying what you mean to say.
