Monday, October 10, 2011

My PLN Progress

I chose to build my PLN on Symbaloo. I like this website because it allows you to make personal changes to the tiles. A PLN is a great tool to help you keep your education organized. Symbaloo is a wonderful system that reaches a variety of people but also meets individual needs of each person. I like this assignment because it is so helpful and helps me stay organized. I have seen PLN prior to EDM310 but never knew exactly what it was. The personal learning network, is exactly what it sounds like. My own personalized learning network that meets my needs!
PLN comic

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are designing a good PLN for yourself. I also used Symbaloo for my PLN. Its a great tool for putting your school sites and regular everyday sites together with any other social networking sites also. Good job!
